
Friday 31 December 2010

Game on! CrossFit Bath Paleo Challenge (PART 3)

With the 3rd CrossFit Bath Paleo challenge looming, I've decided to log my experience. I aim to record my daily food intake, and also share recipes, information and discuss the daily challenges when trying to eat 'clean'.
  The challenge starts on the 16th January 2011. We introduce some basic principles of the 'Paleo diet', take before and after pictures and have an extensive Q&A session so you can express your views and concerns. 
  At the end of the challenge (which is 6 weeks long), we will award (cash prize) a top male and female and 2 runners up, for the most stunning physique transformation. This contest is not based on weight loss (for reasons I'll discuss in a future post), so even if you don’t have a whole lot of weight to lose you can still lean out and have a great chance to win!
  Use this blog to help you through the challenge along with the links on the right hand side of this page.

Good Luck and in the meantime if you have any question you want to discuss, post them in the comments section or ask next time you're at the box and we'll address them when we launch the challenge on the 16th!