
Wednesday 2 March 2011

Day 40 - 'Be the Trainer' Results

Thank you for all those who wrote in their feedback on my food diary. You guys have really embrassed this challenge over the last 7 weeks and from your comments you have a great understanding of how to maintain a paleo lifestyle moving forward.

Below are a few common themes in your comments:

1. Lack of variety, leading to a possible lack of certain vitamins and minerals

Agreed with this one and no real excuses other than falling into a routine and letting convenience over rule variety.
Fruits could have been more varied and also kept to locally grown sources. Protein sources could have consisted of more fish (did not eat enough fish) and leaner cuts of locally sourced meats.

2. The use of protein shakes is not paleo (chew your food)

This again led back to convenience, I get through a ton of meat protein and on my budget couldn't quite afford enough so a protein shake was a savour for me. I find post workout nutrition makes a huge difference to my recovery and recommend it to everyone. The protein shake didn't contain any artificial sugars, colourings or sweeteners and is a great option along side paleo eating.

3. Minor slip ups....chocolate, cake, alcohol, cruntchy nut etc.....

I set out in the beginning determined to stay 100% clean. Unfortunately I didn't quite have the will power. When the chips were down, I adopted Mark Sisson's from 80/20 approached and 'treated' on 85% chocolate (low in sugar), chocolate cake post workout (quickly absorbed) and wine, less sugar/calorific than beer and cider. These few fixes kept me going for the long haul.

4. More fruit and veg throughout the day to off-set my high acidity levels brought on by meat

There is a fine balance with this one. In Lorain Cordains book 'The paleo diet'
Lorain suggest you eat all the fruit you can. Meat is quite acidic and fruit and veggies are alkaline so the fruit and veg can help balance things out. To much acidity is not good for things like osteoporosis.  I slightly disagree with this one when it comes to leaning out. The high sugar content (Fructose) in fruit can wreak havoc with our insulin levels which we need to keep a bay if weight loss is our goal.
   Once you have lost the weight you require and reach a maintenance stage, I definitely recommend uping your fruit intake. Moderate amounts of fruit won't make you put on weight but as Robb Wolf says, it will cock block your weight loss. In conclusion though, more veggies throughout the day would be a much better option in lowering acidity levels.

The Result

Thanks to all those who have wrote in, but there can only be one winner!

Congrates to Liam Philimore not only for his insightful comments but his overall enthusiasm and commitment to the challenge. Liam is 100% paleo plus dairy thus far. Looking forward to seeing the results big guy. You can follow Liam's experience here

Thanks again to all those who wrote in. Remember, I'm not a nutritionist  and everything I know is completely self taught. There is a universe of information out there in books and the internet, you just have to spend the time sifting through the bullshit. I'll be posting my results Saturday and i'm pretty chuffed with the way things have gone so watch this space!

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