
Monday 31 January 2011

DAY 14 + 15

Prep for lunches this week! Have you prepared?



3 eggs
2 chicken
2 sausages
Handful of coconut shavings


4 egg omelette
4 rashers of bacon
1 avocado


3 home made burgers
4 rashers of bacon
2 slices of cheese (oops!)
 Baby spinach salad, with tomatoes and jalapeƱos
Dollop of Mayo



3 Pieces of chicken


Roast dinner x2 (yep...I eat 2!!)
Mix meat (Pork, Lamb and beef)
Loads of veggie and a little gravy (Was eating at the century cafe, came with gravy)

To long to go without eating


coconut cream


DAY 13 - More Curry!!!

Bex's attempt at my 'Green Curry'. Looks AWESOME!


More pork leftovers
2 chicken legs
1/2 an avocado


Protein shake
1/2 punnet of blueberries


2 chicken breast
1/2 an avocado


Paleo Rogan Josh with cauliflower rice and carrot salad.

Recipe for Rogan Josh

Friday 28 January 2011

DAY 12

Some-one asked me the other day, did I feel bad eating pork from pigs that Meg's parents reared.  They suggested to me that it was cruel, yet they were not a vegetarian. This person was obviously incredibly stupid, but i proceeded to explain to them that I'd much rather eat meat that has come from here....

rather than here...............

 “Food, Inc.,” is an informative activist documentary about the big business of feeding or, more to the political point, force-feeding, Americans all the junk that multinational corporate money can buy.
It's a real eye opener. Below is a trailer!


Pork (left over from the night before)
home made soup
1/2 an avocado


2x chicken thighs
3x chicken legs
Handful of blueberries
1/2 an avocado

7.00pm Post workout

Protein shake
1/2 punnet of blueberries


Roasted mackerel, mushrooms and tomatoes
Large salad with mustard and olive oil dressing

DAY 11


2x eggs
2x chicken thighs
Blood Orange (not recommended if weight loss is your goal but dam tasty!)
1/2 an avocado

3.00pm - Post workout

Protein shake
1/2 punnet of blueberries


Left over satay chicken
Home made soup
1/2 an avocado


Shoulder of pork (Hand reared by Meg's parents and without doubt, the tastiest pork I have ever had!)

Recipe for Chicken Satay

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Day 10


2x 100% pork sausages
Left over Chinese steak
Spinach and bacon soup
Handful of coconut shavings


4x chicken thighs
Handful of nuts


Satay chicken Parcels

Satay chicken is one of my favourites! Recipe coming tomorrow!



Beef (leftover from evening before)
Home made bacon and spinach soup
2x tsp Almond Butter

4.00pm - post workout

Protein shake


2x chicken thigh
1x chicken leg
Handful of nuts


Chinese style steak
Bok choy and broccoli
Sweet potato chips

 Recipe for Chinese style steak and chips

Monday 24 January 2011

DAY 8 - Intermittent fasting (IF)


2x fried eggs
3x Amazing 100% pork sausages (Pigs were reared by Meg's parents, more on that to follow)
Handful of coconut shavings


Roast beef
Swede and carrot mash

If you unsure what Intermittent fasting is read this

I'm currently following Martin Berkhan of approach. This guy is super smart and you only have to look at his testimonials to realise he knows what he's talking about!

How does Leangains differentiate itself from some other intermittent fasting based diets? Here's a brief primer.
An  in-depth coverage of Martin's approach, and the benefits of intermittent fasting, can be read about here.

A much shorter summary can be found here.
Martin Berkhan himslf!

Day 7 - Eating out!!

Went out Saturday with some of the boys to Las Iguanas. Everyone there has had some exposure to CrossFit so I didn't need to explain myself when it came to ordering gluten free! The restaurant was pretty accomadating to my request and had some good gluten free options. I was slateing the place before we got there, but all in all, the food was good and we had a great crack! I think the 4+ glasses of wine helped to contrbute!


Handful of nuts


2x chicken thighs
2xchicken legs
Coconut shavings


Las Iguanas

PERI-PERI POLLO Fresh chicken breast, coated in crispy crumbed cassava.with a garlic, chilli & lemon sauce

ALBONDIGAS Authentic & indulgent Patagonian-style lamb meatballs with apple, nutmeg & mint, braised in a light tomato & red chilli sauce 

ENSOPADO DE CARNE (n) (ask for gf) Tender slow-braised goat in coconut milk & tomatoes with chillies, carrot & cassava, served with coriander rice, crunchy coconut farofa (toasted manioc flour) to sprinkle & sweet plantain (Didn't eat the rice)

4 and a bit glasses of wine!


Bacan, chicken and pineapple tower! Joy!


2x chicken breast
Handful of coconut shavings

4.00pm - post workout

Protein shake


2x eggs
1 chicken thigh
1 Avocado


Handful of nuts

Friday 21 January 2011

Who loves curry?


2 chicken breast
Home made vegetable soup
Handful of nuts
Fish oils


Pork (Still leftovers from  2 nights before)
1/2 a punnet of blueberries

7.05pm (Post workout)

3 boiled eggs
1/2 a punnet of blueberries


Green chicken and broccoli curry with cauliflower rice

Weekends  are when this 'paleo' thing gets tricky! We work less, socialise more and seek to indulge! All these factors can lead to you going off track, diet wise! So what if you do?  We often say, “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” And for good reason. The target of a paleo lifestyle is deep-seated: the long haul of a healthy life, not a brief white knuckle ride. The necessary approach, then, is centered around sustainability. 100% paleo in principle is ideal, especially if you're sick or more importantly, looking to win the paleo challenge. But if we're talking about sustainability, and actually having a life, then we need to ease our grip from time to time to keep us sane! 

Take a 80/20 approach. When you go out for dinner, make smart choices with your starter and main (no gluten,  beans, lentils, potatoes) but reward yourself with a dessert! Try to drink wine or clear spirits with no mixers, rather than beer, cider and cocktails and drink plenty of water. 

Recipe for Green chicken and broccoli curry with cauliflower rice.

Thursday 20 January 2011

DAY 4 - Rest Day

Joys of a greengrocer for a dad!


Pork from previous evening (approx 200g)
1 1/2 Avocado
Fish oils


2 chicken legs, 2 chicken thighs
Coconut shavings


Amazing Burger stack! (Portobello Mushroom, Bacon, Egg, Pineapple ring, homemade burger*)
Mix salad (Tomatoes, cucumber, little gem, spring onion, radishes, coriander, squeeze of lime and extra virgin olive oil)
Fish oils

* Lean mince meat, 1 egg, shallots. season to taste. I used paprika and some cayenne to give it an extra kick!

I actually ended up eating 2 of these! Simply because the first one tasted so dam good!!!

Most of you now understand the importance of fish oils. If not, a simple google search will give you mountains of info on their benefits!

But how many Ollie?

I've linked up a nifty calculator on the left hand side. It works out how many you should be taking, depending on the brand and your current health.

I've also added a link to the Healthspan, which is the company I get my fish oils from.

On rest days, my nutrition doesn't really change other than 2 things!

1. My first meal of the day is my largest
2. I reduce my Carbohydrate intake, and increase my Fat intake

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Day 3 - Gluten = Death


2 Eggs
120g chicken
Handful of mixed nuts (Walnuts, Brazil nuts and Hazelnuts)

3.30pm - 5 mins post-workout

Protein shake
Punnet of blueberries


Chilli (left over from night before)
1 Eggs
1/2 Avocado


Epic shoulder of Pork
Sweet potato and carrot mash
Apple sauce

Shoulder of Pork is not the leanest cut, but if you're on a budget it's a great option. You get plenty of bang for your buck (leftovers are perfect for lunches for next couple of days) and it taste delicious!

Following our Paleolithic ancestors, our Neolithic ancestors lost an average of six inches in height. Most people now have those last 5-10 pounds that seem impossible lose. The causes for both, surprisingly, may be the same.
Robb Wolf can explain. Robb, a former research biochemist, has functioned as a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism and is co-owner of NorCal Strength & Conditioning, one of the Men’s Health “top 30 gyms in America.” He’s also a former California State Powerlifting Champion with a competition 565 lb. squat, 345 lb. bench, 565 lb. deadlift…

Robb was the nutrition guy for CrossFit, before a disagreement meant them parting ways. Since then he has published a book, ‘The Paleo Solution’. This book is a triumph in my opinion and the best resource when it comes to tackling a paleo lifestyle head on!  
The chapters on digestion and improving digestion, are extremely thorough and make a lot of sense. For that reason, this post is a book excerpt. It details a particular problem and specific solutions. Enjoy.
Enter Robb Wolf.

A Common Problem

Below I describe several people who at first glance appear different, but in fact they all share a common problem. They had significant health issues with no apparent cause or solution and assumed they had no treatment options, as their doctors were stumped and could offer few solutions.
For you, this chapter may represent the “missing link” in your quest for improved performance and health.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

DAY 2 - Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

I kicked off my week with a little preparation. OK, that's not entirely true.........Meg kicked off the week with a little preparation. Typically on a Sunday we prepare a few bits to help with lunches. Above is my go to if i'm in a rush. A large Chilli (about 5 servings), 1 medium chicken (again 4 servings) and a massive home made vegetable soup (lots and lots of servings). All though not the most exotic options, these foods offer great nutritional value and are convenient  if you're always on the go. Tart the chicken up with some pineapple (even better with bacon) and avocado, steam some fresh greens with the chilli and wash the soup down with some more chicken. Jobs a good'en!

Food intake

12.30pm - Broke my fast with......

3 whole eggs
Small handful of chicken breast
1/2 an avocado
Fish oils

2.30pm - Post workout

Protein shake
1 Gala Apple
(Immediately after training)

3.00pm - 40 minutes after training

Roughly 170g of chicken
Home made vegetable soup
1/2 an avocado
Fish oils

8.00pm - The finale

Loads of steamed Broccoli, drizzled in olive oil
Fish oils

Tomorrow........The GRAIN ISSUE!

Monday 17 January 2011


A big thanks to all who joined us last night for our Paleo lecture. I hope you found it informative and helpful? Over the course of the next 7 weeks I will attempt to address some of the question and concerns raised during the lecture. I will be going into more detail on meat myths, the importance of fats, why grains are evil, intermittent fasting and how sleep and exercise can effect weight lose.


Everyone's goals are different and I'll attempt to address them individually, be it increase muscle mass, leaning out or feeling better. I recently injured my knee and have not been training with the intensity I was pre Christmas. This along with a binge over the festive season has meant that I am beginning to put on bad weight. So my goal over the next 7 weeks is to undo the damage done over the last couple of months and lean out.

I'll be trying stay strict Paleo for the first 4 weeks and then introduce dairy, providing I do not have any reactions to this. I will be drinking protein shakes for convenience and keeping fruit intake low, as well as intermittent fasting (only eating between 12am and 9.30pm)