
Friday 21 January 2011

Who loves curry?


2 chicken breast
Home made vegetable soup
Handful of nuts
Fish oils


Pork (Still leftovers from  2 nights before)
1/2 a punnet of blueberries

7.05pm (Post workout)

3 boiled eggs
1/2 a punnet of blueberries


Green chicken and broccoli curry with cauliflower rice

Weekends  are when this 'paleo' thing gets tricky! We work less, socialise more and seek to indulge! All these factors can lead to you going off track, diet wise! So what if you do?  We often say, “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” And for good reason. The target of a paleo lifestyle is deep-seated: the long haul of a healthy life, not a brief white knuckle ride. The necessary approach, then, is centered around sustainability. 100% paleo in principle is ideal, especially if you're sick or more importantly, looking to win the paleo challenge. But if we're talking about sustainability, and actually having a life, then we need to ease our grip from time to time to keep us sane! 

Take a 80/20 approach. When you go out for dinner, make smart choices with your starter and main (no gluten,  beans, lentils, potatoes) but reward yourself with a dessert! Try to drink wine or clear spirits with no mixers, rather than beer, cider and cocktails and drink plenty of water. 

Recipe for Green chicken and broccoli curry with cauliflower rice.

Ingredients (serves 2)

400g Chicken breast 
2 cm piece of ginger
2 Fresh red chillies
Bunch of coriander
Small bunch of spring onion
4 Cloves of Garlic
400ml Coconut milk
300ml chicken stock
1 Cauliflower 
1 Broccoli
Olive oil

1. Heat a pan with a little olive oil. Season and fry the chicken for about 20mins until cooked through

2. Blend ginger, chillies, coriander, spring onion and garlic in a food processor, adding a good glug of olive oil as you go until you get a thick paste.

3. While the chicken is cooking, prepare the cauliflower and place in a microwavable dish. Heat in microwave and check every minute until soft.

4. Once the chicken is cooked through, discard the excess fat in the pan and put on a medium heat. Smother the chicken both sides with 2 tbsp of the paste made.

5. Add the rest of the paste to a large soup bowl with the chicken stock, coconut milk and broccoli and season to taste. Bring to boil and then bring down the heat and simmer until you reach the consistency you like.

6. Blend the cauliflower until you reach your required consistency and sauté in a pan with a little oil until warm. Again season to taste.

7. Bring all ingredients to table squeeze over some lime and enjoy!!!

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