
Monday 17 January 2011


A big thanks to all who joined us last night for our Paleo lecture. I hope you found it informative and helpful? Over the course of the next 7 weeks I will attempt to address some of the question and concerns raised during the lecture. I will be going into more detail on meat myths, the importance of fats, why grains are evil, intermittent fasting and how sleep and exercise can effect weight lose.


Everyone's goals are different and I'll attempt to address them individually, be it increase muscle mass, leaning out or feeling better. I recently injured my knee and have not been training with the intensity I was pre Christmas. This along with a binge over the festive season has meant that I am beginning to put on bad weight. So my goal over the next 7 weeks is to undo the damage done over the last couple of months and lean out.

I'll be trying stay strict Paleo for the first 4 weeks and then introduce dairy, providing I do not have any reactions to this. I will be drinking protein shakes for convenience and keeping fruit intake low, as well as intermittent fasting (only eating between 12am and 9.30pm)

1 comment:

  1. Im a youghurt fiend, but naturally ive cut them out being full of sugar and being dairy.

    Whats the word on natural yoghurt? Im not overly fussed, but curious.
