
Friday 28 January 2011

DAY 11


2x eggs
2x chicken thighs
Blood Orange (not recommended if weight loss is your goal but dam tasty!)
1/2 an avocado

3.00pm - Post workout

Protein shake
1/2 punnet of blueberries


Left over satay chicken
Home made soup
1/2 an avocado


Shoulder of pork (Hand reared by Meg's parents and without doubt, the tastiest pork I have ever had!)

Recipe for Chicken Satay

Ingredients (serves 2)

4x 180g skinless chicken breast
1/2 a small bunch of corriander
1 fresh red chilli
1/2 clove of garlic
3 heaped tablespoons of Almond butter
2cm piece of fresh ginger
2 limes
4 littlegem lettace
Any other salad bits you wish (peppers, radishes, tomatos)

1. Put the corriander, chilli, garlic, almond butter, ginger in a food processor. Grate the lime zest and the juice of one into the mixture and add a couple of splashes of water. Whiz until you get a spoonable paste. Season to taste. Spoon half of the mixture into a nice bowl and drizzle over some extra virgin olive oil and set the other half a side.

2. Chop the chicken into bite sized pieces. Take the satay mixture you set aside and put into a roasting tray, add the chicken and coat with your hands rubbing in the flavour. Put the tray on the top shelf of the oven and grill for 8-10 minutes, until crispy.

3. Pull apart the littlegem into individual leaves and wash. Prepare the rest of your salad.

4.Toss the chicken and grill for a further 8-10 minutes

5. Bring everything to the table. Take your littlegem leaves, add a teaspoon of the satay mix, chicken on top and stack up any other salad you decided to prepare. Enjoy guys!

I think in hinsight, some sweet potato wedges would have gone down a treat with this meal!

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