
Sunday 27 February 2011

Day 36 and 37 - 1 Week to go!!



2 Sausages
2 Bacon
2 poached eggs
Vegetable soup

4.00pm - Post 27 rounds + 10 press ups of 'Cindy'

Protein shake
Punnet of blueberries
Deli beef
handful of nuts


Tandori chicken tikka
Chicken madras
Sage paneer....oops
Onion Bajee ......oops again



Lamb ribs
1 Avocado




Sweet potato chips

Thursday 24 February 2011

Day 34 - Simple Chicken Tikka

Back into the swing of things now and feeling fresh!!!


1/2 Avocado


3 Eggs
Steak (leftovers from night before, roughly 4 oz's)
1/2 Avocado


Fish and Seafood Chowder
Mountain Broccoli

My last couple of curry recipes have been a little complicated and time consuming. The recipe below is a super simple, healthy and quick paleo Chicken tikka masala.

Serves 4

1 Large onion
2 chillies
1" ginger
3 garlic cloves
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp turmeric
2 tsp garam masala
1 Tbsp tomato puree
400g chopped tomatoes
600g chicken
1 tin of coconut milk
1/2 bag of baby spinach

1. Fry onion, ginger, chilli and garlic for 2-3 minutes

2. Add chilli powder, turmeric, garam masala, and cook for a further 2 minutes

3. Add tomato puree, chopped tomatoes and allow to cook for a further few minutes

4. Blend mixture in food processor until you get the consistency you require

5. Brown off chicken and add curry mixture. Simmer for 10 minutes

6. Add coconut milk and baby spinach (as much as desired), stir until spinach has wilted.

7. Serve with cauliflower rice and enjoy!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Day 33 - Competition time - You be the Trainer

I have a challenge for my 2 followers. I want you to look over my food diary thus far and tell me how it can be improved. From quantities,variety and quality. I want to see how much you guys have learned and how well you can pass that knowledge onto others. 

Email, facebook or simply old fasioned pen and paper your comments by Monday March 1st 2011.

The best analysis will win a weeks worth of Fruit and Veg!

Good luck guys!

Day 30, 31, and 32

Sorry for the lack of posting guys, been ill most of the weekend and been struggling to get back into the swing of things.

I ate very little Friday or Saturday, could only stomach crunchy nut cornflakes which although tasted delicious, didn't make me feel any better!

Started feeling more normal by Saturday evening and had a perfect paleo dinner with my friends Bex and Gouldy as guest

Almond Chicken Satay's with side salad and a delicious banana cake to finish.

Sunday was still feeling pretty ropey but managed to eat clean.

2 Salmon fillets with baby spinach and coleslaw for lunch......


Beef roast for tea.


Friday 18 February 2011

Day 29


3 Eggs
Leftover pork from joint the night before
3 tsp of almond butter


2 chicken thighs
Leftover pork
1 egg
1 pear
4 tsp of almond butter


2 Gammon steaks
2 fried eggs

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Day 28 - Supplements

I have taken this exert from Mark's Daily Apple, which is a great resource while trying to live a primal lifestyle.

Living a healthy “evolved” lifestyle in this high-tech modern world isn’t easy. We all try to eat right, exercise appropriately and control stress, but the reality is, this world we’ve created conspires at every turn to make us look and feel old, ill, and weak. We breathe polluted air, we stress about bills, traffic and the economy, we don’t always get enough sleep or exercise, we don’t always eat as we should, and when we do, even the best natural foods are not as abundant in micronutrients as they once were. Some of the most critical nutrients are missing entirely - and it’s only getting worse as the commercialization of food continues to spiral out of control. Living in a thoroughly modern world with hunter-gatherer genes isn't easy."

This justifies the use of supplements! Below is a list of supplements I would recommend along with a healthy paleo diet. (Note: Supplements are not a replacement for good foods)                

Omega 3's -  

Vitamin D -

Magnesium -

Whey Protein -

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Day 27

Great Day at Dragon CrossFit Sunday! Thanks to all who came and showed their support


Chicken leftovers

4.00pm - Post Workout

More chicken

7.00pm (Eating out)

Butter and Garlic mussels

Roast beef
Potatoes (oh dear)

Damage wasn't to bad!

Monday 14 February 2011

DAY 25 and 26

Well over half way guys!! You all sound like the early teething problems have passed and you've settled into a routine! Had some great feed back from people informing me of huge PB's, leaning out and generally feeling great!! Keep up the good work people!!!!

Had a little flood Sunday night, but all has been rectified and we're back open for business!



2 Sausage (97% gluten free)
3 chicken thighs
Handful of blueberries

2.00pm - Post workout

Protein shake
Remaining punnet of blueberries


1 Avocado


Beef casserole
Loads of mix veg! Broccoli, carrots, cabbage



3 pieces of Beef
Casserole form night before

7.00pm - Way to long going without food!!

Spicy peri-peri roast chicken
Sweet potato chips
Greek salad - Little gem, peppers, olives, feta cheese (naughty me!)


Friday 11 February 2011

Real Life Testimonial: Long Hard Road out of Hell or Why Fat Girl went Primal (the unabridged version!)


Tuna and Egg Salad (Toms, baby spinach, peppers and a little olive oil)

2.00pm Post workout

Protein shake
Sweet Potato


2x packs of 99% pork salami
1 Avocado


3x Home made burgers
Flat mushrooms
2x poached eggs
2 rashers of bacon
Baby spinach
Handful of nuts
2x Pineapple rings

The link below is a long read, but a great success story and more evidence that Paleo really works!!!

Real Life Testimonial: Long Hard Road out of Hell or Why Fat Girl went Primal (the unabridged version!)

Thursday 10 February 2011

DAY 23 - Rest Day


2x chicken breast
1x chicken leg
2x sausages (97% gluten free)
1 Avocado


4x chicken thighs
1x chicken leg
Handful of nuts (Walnuts, Brazil and coconut shavings)


Belly of Pork (Seasoned with Chinese 5 spice)
Home made Coleslaw
Sweet Potato mash

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Day 22 - Lifestyle, Stress and Cortisol


4 chicken thighs
Handful of nuts and coconut shavings

3.00pm Post workout

Protein shake
(no fruit available)




Steak (approx. 7oz)
2 Sausage (97% pork gluten free)
2 poached eggs

If you're following my blog, you most probably are doing some form of exercise and understand the importance of staying active. You also, no doubt are eating a fairly clean diet (no sugar, grains etc) and if you have been listening, understand the importance of nutrition when leaning out and improving quality of life. But is this enough?

Our modern day way of living is at odds with our ancestral lifeway. They had things both harder and easier than us. Hard things include living without advanced communication and medicine.  This would explain their shorter lifespan. Our ancestors worked hard for their food, clothing and shelter and left them with an Olympic athlete skeleton. But they did not work as hard or a long as us, only about 10-15 hours a week. This is similar to hunter gatherers societies today like those that live in the Amazon rainforest. The work varied from time of year and location and consisted of mainly building shelter, hunting food and making clothes. The rest of the time was spent socializing and playing games. Scientist that have live among Hunter Gatherer HG tribes have     described them to be very content with life and there nearly no signs of misery. Admittedly they do need to deal with sickness and the odd dangerous wild animal, but on the whole the hunter gatherer societies live a remarkably good, stress free life.

Now lets look at the modern life.


Our ancestor awoke when the sun rose and slept soon after the sun went down.

We awake with an alarm clock and without as much sleep as we would like. I think we can all agree that we feel a lot better when we've had sufficient sleep and we are well rested. Imagine what life would be like if we could awaken without the use of an alarm clock everyday!


Luckily in a city like Bath, commuting is not a major issue. But what if you work in Bristol, Swindon or as far as London. For many people this long commute can be frustrating and stressful and looks nothing like our HG trip to collect edible plants.


I feel very blessed in my work. I get to improve peoples quality of life on a daily basis and it is extremely rewarding. But do you love your job? do you even like it? Or do you just tolerate it for survival? Who works 40 hrs. plus? Fifty? This represents almost 3 times the amount our ancestors would have spent working. I understand that some of us need to work more than others, but if you've ever felt you need to work less and have more variety in your life to relieve stress and provide you with energy, you would be correct.


Exercise is great but to much is not! There are certain people (and you know who you are) that attempt to commit suicide by exercise. Up at 5am six days a week, running, swimming and biking. Lifting weights at lunch, then a met-con in the evening. Working out, when sick, tired and injured. I have been guilty of this in the past but have realised that more is not necessary best. Louie Simmons once said "Train optimally not maximally"  and to me, that makes a load of sense!

Can you see how all these factors are at odds with our genetics? Lets have a look at how these all effect what happens on the inside, more specifically how they effect the hormone cortisol! Hang in there guys, I know this stuff is a little deep but it really matters.

Cortisol is a hormone released from the adrenal glands in response to stress. It's main function is to give us energy in the form of glucose and fatty acids released from the liver. Cortisol levels should be typically high in the morning and drop gradually as the day goes on, leaving us with very little by bedtime. This is natures way of making sure we are alert, energized and ready to go!

Our ancestors would have had a release of cortisol when fighting a wild animal and defending themselves from an ambush of a rival tribe. But this would have been infrequent and levels would have decreased quickly.

Our modern day way of living may not involve us fleeing from sabre-tooths, but it does come with alot of other stressors. Lack of sleep, commuting, kids, financial issues, boring job, excessive exercise! These stressors are frequent and culminate.

If we are exposed to these stressor frequently we release cortisol at times that aren't  natural, this effects our ability to sleep and relax in the evening. But also, more cortisol, means more glucose and fatty acids released. The glucose (sugar) enters our system and has no where to go other than our bums and tums! These chronically high glucose levels will also lead to insulin resistance and eventually type 2 diabetes. This simulates eating a high-carb diet!!

Oh, and one more thing, chronic levels of cortisol  gives you wrinkles! Cortisol disables the protein collagen in our faces.

So can you see how our lifestyle can stunt our fat loss?!?

Common signs of elevated cortisol levels are:-

1. Noticeably fatter around the midsection area
2. Needing to wee in the night
3. Low sex drive
4. Struggling to sleep at night and feeling more tired in the morning than before you went to bed
5. Poor memory
6. Elevated stress levels

So to conclude, sleep more, work a little less, get a life outside the gym, and CHILL OUT!

Tuesday 8 February 2011

DAY 21 - Rest/Amazing Pork/Awesome Film


Usher Roast Pork (Amazing)
Mountain of Veg and a few sneaky potatoes


4 chicken legs
Handful of nuts


Cinema trip to watch "The Fighter"
No popcorn or sweets but did treat myself to a bar of Green and Blacks 85% chocolate


Home made Beefburgers

Sunday 6 February 2011

DAY 18,19 and 20

Apologise for the lack of posting, no excuses, just getting slack. I know my 2 only followers will understand.



4 chicken thighs
Roast beef left over from night before
1 Avocado

3.00pm Post workout

Protein shake
Half a punnet of blueberries


2 chicken thighs
Loads of beef, again left over from night before
Veg, also left overs from previous evening (carrot, broccoli, leeks and cabbage)


Spicy chicken
Little gem
Sweet potato chips
and garlic prawns

Pop all ingredients in the little gem parcels



4 pieces of chicken
Handful of blueberries

2.00pm Post workout

Punnet of raspberries
Protein shake


3 chicken thighs
1 Avocado

4.45pm Raviness at this point, not sure why?

Turkey slices (approx. 200g)
Baked sweet potato
Whole tub of coleslaw
Handful of grapes


Rogan Josh (Takeaway!!)
Sage Paneer (cheese...ooops)
Onion Bhaji



Velo Breakfast
2x Sausage
2x Bacon
2x Bacon

4 Chicken legs
Handful blueberries

Chicken breast (starting to think i eat way to much chicken)
Handful of blueberries (and blueberries for that matter)
Handful of nuts

Post workout
Protein shake
Chocolate cake (Yep chocolate cake!!!! attended the opening of CrossFit Cardiff and cake was available. It definitely wasn't paleo and it defiantly would have been rude not to try some!!) If you're gonna treat yourself, immediately after a workout is the time to do it. Future post on post workout feeding to follow.


Chicken, pepper and mushroom kebabs
Prawn skewers
Baked sweet potato
Side salad with dressing

Recipe for this one tomorrow, was epic!!!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Day 17 - The Biggest Loser

So, like me you may have seen at least a few episodes (or series) of The Biggest Loser and drawn some parallels to your own situation.  For me, I still find it amazing how food has so much of an emotional hold over us! Pre-Paleo, while at uni, I used to watch the show while gorging on a few slices of pizza and tucking into a few pre-lash beers, pitying the contestants. But the truth is, I had the same mindset as a lot of the folks on the show: struggling with my weight and falling victim the the high-carb, low-fat craze. I was also a little in denial about my weight. I've turned that around now, and knowing now what I know, I've developed a love/hate relationship with the show!


Everything comes down to calories and weight. As Gary Taubes taught us in Good Calories, Bad Calories, not all calories are created equal and those coming from sugars and starches are damaging compared to those coming from good fat and lean protein. The entire Calories In – Calories Out hypothesis for losing fat is inadequate for describing what actually happens in the body. If 3500 calories equals one pound of fat then it should be super easy to eat 500 fewer calories every day and easily lose a pound a week. Or eat the same and exercise to burn those 500 calories. But how many of you have tried that to minimal or no success? I know I have. You body is far more complicated than that, and fat loss comes down to food intake, metabolism, and most important of all, hormones.

The show is an amazing motivational tool. Obesity is a rapidly growing epidemic in this country and world-wide and I would still put The Biggest Loser in the “trying to help” category. It’s good to see not only the people in the show taking an interest in their health, but also all the folks who watch the show. The trainers also do a great job of tackling the emotional problems surrounding food and body image.


Contestants come out over-trained, under-fed and stressed out. In the quest for fat loss, the Biggest Loser system falls victim to the traditional bad science that we’ve been bombarded with over the decades. In addition to the Calories in-Calories out hypothesis, there are the false assumptions that: whole grains are an important and beneficial part of a balanced diet; the more time you spend doing cardio, the more fat you will lose; multiple small meals a day are better than a few large ones; or that you can completely restrict calories without adverse side effects. These are all just plain wrong and it hurts me to see that the show is delivering the message that the only way people can lose large amounts of fat is to prescribe 5 hours of cardio a day and basing they're diet on grains. No wonder this week, some contestants didn't lose any weight at all!!!
The American version saw Adam Hurtado lose some serious weight in not a lot of time. He came off the show completely beat up, eating only 800 calories a day, not sleeping enough and doing 4+ hours of cardio. He reached out to LEAF Fitness to help him lose the rest of his weight before returning for the final weigh-in, and they did some pretty amazing stuff that is totally in line with what we recommend at Crossfit Bath. You can read the full story here but the short version is that he went Paleo, exercised a few times a week for no more than an hour each session, and SLEPT! It’s not surprising that food and sleep affect your body composition more than the work you put in the gym.

Ending on a positive note. I’ll admit that even though the show gives out a lot of really bad info, they are trying to do the right thing by spreading the message of fitness and health. It’s hard to find fault with that and while I continue to cringe, I understand what they’re trying to accomplish.
Stick to these guidelines and you won't go far wrong!

  • Eat lean meat, veggies, and some healthy fat at every meal

  • Avoid grains, dairy and sugars

  • Move or exercise in some way for 3-5 hours a week

  • Sleep 8-10 hours a night in a pitch black room

  • Reduce the stress in your life

  • For those of you who thought i was joking, here's Chubby Me!!

    Day 16

    1.00pm - Post workout (Train fasted)

    Protein shake
    1 Apple


    3 Sausages
    2 eggs
    2 chicken thighs
    3 tsp of almond butter

    4.00pm - Post workout

    Protein shake
    Handful of strawberries




    2x 5oz Sirloin steaks
    Side salad of Watercress, baby spinach and rocket
    Home made dressing (Still working on this one, once perfected, I will let you guys know!)